IMG_7443IMG_7443 Refrigerant Leak on the 2nd stage of a Panasonic -150 ULT freezer model MDF-C2156VAN
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IMG_7443IMG_7443 Refrigerant Leak on the 2nd stage of a Panasonic -150 ULT freezer model MDF-C2156VAN
A new client contacted Cryomed scientific when they found their Panasonic -150 ultra low freezer had failed, We uplifted the freezer back to our workshop when our engineer discovered the 2nd stage system of the Panasonic-150 freezer to have lost all its refrigerant charge. Once the Panasonic -150 freezer arrived at the workshop our engineers… Continue reading Panasonic -150 Freezer leak and pressure test of 2nd stage system
Annual service and calibration of Cryomed scientific’s client New Brunswick -80 upright freezers, our engineer identified 2 faulty alarm batteries and a faulty control board which was causing the compressors to short cycle intermittently, not an easy fault find.IMG_5282
Panasonic -80 freezer 2nd stage compressor removal and replacement, full vacuum and pressure test of system and back down to -80 and ready for use once again within 24 hours
Customer called Cryomed scientific when there was a noise coming from their Panasonic -150 freezer and an alarm was indicated, our engineer quickly diagnosed the fault as a faulty condenser fan motor which was removed and replaced within the hour, master reset of alarm timers and freezer was back fully operational and operating at -150… Continue reading PANASONIC -150 ULTRA LOW TEMPERATURE FREEZER FAN MOTOR REPLACEMENT AND TIMER RESET
Customer reported freezer fluctuating in temperature, on investigation by our ULT freezer engineer it was quickly diagnosed the 2nd stage refrigeration system was partially choking, removal and installation of a new filter drier on the 2nd stage refrigeration system cured the fault, freezer fully back operational and another happy customer.
Customer called Cryomed scientific due to thei Heraeus ultra low temperature freezer overheating, our engineer quickly identified the condenser fan motor to be faulty, due to our large stock of ult freezer parts our engineer replaced the fan motor and had the freezer fully operational and back down to -80 within the hour.
Another delivery and installation of our stock ult freezers, This one is an rs biotech badged New Brunswick-80 upright freezer that was purchased by Newcastle university just before the Christmas break, All our ex-demo and refurbished-80 freezers come complete with 12 month parts and labour warranty, fully serviced, calibration certification and temperature mapping if requested.… Continue reading RS BIOTECH EX DEMO ULT FREEZER DELIVERY
New customer asked Cryomed scientific to diagnose the intermittent fault on their Thermo -80 upright ult freezer, freezer operating at -80 on arrival but after looking at temperature graphs it was easy to diagnose the intermittent failure of the 2nd stage refrigeration systems oil separator, Post ordering a replacement oil separator our engineer removed faulty… Continue reading Oil separator removed and replaced on 2nd stage system of Thermo -80 ult freezer
Removal and replacement of 2nd stage compressor on our customers Panasonic -80 upright ULT Freezer, Repair performed on site and fully operational by the end of the day, pressure tested, leak tested and fully charged with 1st and 2nd stage refrigerants, Saves customer time and money moving freezer off site,
Replacement of 2nd stage compressor and oil separator on our clients Panasonic -80 ult freezer, total job performed and completed on customers premises ,our competitors usually remove from site to repair costing the end user more expense to have uplifted and delivered back and to be out of use for weeks instead of days,
Customer reported New Brunswick scientific -80 freezer blowing fuses, Identified 2nd compressor faulty, removed and replaced compressor back up and running within 24hours and down to -80.
Customer reported temperature fluctuating on their Sanyo ultra low temperature freezer, identified the fault as a seized condenser fan motor , due to our high stock levels for all ult freezers we quickly removed and replaced fan motor in one visit leaving the freezer operating at -80.