Thermo scientific replacement ultra pure filter on our clients laboratory water purification system

Avidity water purification service and calibration

Annual service, calibration and validation of our customers Avidity ultra pure laboratory water purification system, all consumables supplied by Cryomed scientific, 18.2 m/ohms calibration completed with our calibration meter, temperature and time calibrated with our UKAS certified equipment.

Elga laboratory water purification system annual service and calibration to 18.2 m/ohms

The annual service and calibration of our customers Elga centra 200 laboratory ring main water purification system, consumables all changed sanitised and flushed to drain all within the same day , fully operational again for our customer to use with water quality at 18.2 m/ohms

Avidity Laboratory water system service and calibration

Annual service and calibration of Avidity ultra pure laboratory water system, consumables all replaced and timers reset, back in operation within a couple of hours, calibration completed to national standards

Elga water system service and validation

Annual service and validation of our customers Elga laboratory water purification system , consumables replaced and sanitisation of system, back in operation the same day.