SANYO ULT freezer 2nd stage system choking

Customer reported freezer fluctuating in temperature, on investigation by our ULT freezer engineer it was quickly diagnosed the 2nd stage refrigeration system was partially choking, removal and installation of a new filter drier on the 2nd stage refrigeration system cured the fault, freezer fully back operational and another happy customer.

Oil separator removed and replaced on 2nd stage system of Thermo -80 ult freezer

New customer asked Cryomed scientific to diagnose the intermittent fault on their Thermo -80 upright ult freezer, freezer operating at -80 on arrival but after looking at temperature graphs it was easy to diagnose the intermittent failure of the 2nd stage refrigeration systems oil separator, Post ordering a replacement oil separator our engineer removed faulty… Continue reading Oil separator removed and replaced on 2nd stage system of Thermo -80 ult freezer