Panasonic ULT freezer 2nd stage compressor replacement

Panasonic -80 freezer 2nd stage compressor removal and replacement, full vacuum and pressure test of system and back down to -80 and ready for use once again within 24 hours

Panasonic ult chest freezer compressor failure


Removal and replacement of 2nd stage compressor on our customers Panasonic -80 upright ULT Freezer, Repair performed on site and fully operational by the end of the day, pressure tested, leak tested and fully charged with 1st and 2nd stage refrigerants, Saves customer time and money moving freezer off site,

Panasonic -80 upright ult freezer replacement 2nd stage compressor and oil sep

Replacement of 2nd stage compressor and oil separator on our clients Panasonic -80 ult freezer, total job performed and completed on customers premises ,our competitors usually remove from site to repair costing the end user more expense to have uplifted and delivered back and to be out of use for weeks instead of days,

New Brunswick -80 freezer 2nd stage compressor replacement

Customer reported New Brunswick scientific -80 freezer blowing fuses, Identified 2nd compressor faulty, removed and replaced compressor back up and running within 24hours and down to -80.